
Technical updates

PowerShell 0.6.10 of the Azure SDK has been released

This is English article, see here for Japanese.
There's the new version of New Version of the Azure SDK (0.6.10) has been released on 11/Feb/2013. It's provides Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Azure with building, deployeing and managing Windows Azure services.

What's new

Chack ChangeLog.txt on github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools. Here's Summary.
  1. Now PowerShell 3.0 are supported
  2. VM and Cloud Services cmdlets source code are released
  3. A few new cmdlets for Cloud Services are added. Add-AzureWebRole, Add-AzureWorkerRole, NewAzureRoleTemplate, Save-AzureServiceProjectPackage, Set-AzureServiceProjectRole -VMSize
  4. Add-AzureVhd cmdlet are added
  5. Remove-Azure* cmdlets now supported -Confirm and -WhatIf parameters
  6. Node.js and generic roles, now able to configure startup task
  7. running roles with memcache now supported Emulator
  8. Rorle name parameter not required for Role based cmdlets if running on current role folder
  9. Scenario test framework now supported
  10. Bug fixes.

Before begin

Make sure neccesary files and Installation are already done.
  1. Did you already install Windows Azure SDK? If no, then insntall it. PowerShell 2.0 (WMI2.0 / default of Windows 7 and Windows Server2008 R2) - 0.6.9 or less PowerShell 3.0 (WMI3.0 / default of Windows 8 and Windows Server2012) - 0.6.10 or more
  2. WiX (IF you want to build the setup project. if won't don't need.)
Only developer will required if use Node.js.
  1. Node.js
  2. IISNode
Only developer will required if use PHP
  1. PHP


You can get the latest version from below.
Web Platform Installer - Windows Azure Downloads You may find donwloads file link from bottom of the pages "Command line tools"
If you wnat to direct access to .msi file, use this link.
github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools


You can see features from github on github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools Here's summary.
  • Account
  • Subscription
  • Website
  • Cloud service
  • Storage
  • SQL Azure
  • Service Bus
  • VM
  • Deployment
  • VNet
  • Utility
You can check commands and usage by below command on PowerShell.
help azure #to get all the cmdlets.
help node-dev #to get all Node.js development related cmdlets.
help php-dev #to get all PHP development related cmdlets.
get-help <cmdlet name> #to get the details of a specific cmdlet.


You can see the sample I posted article before.
Great Introductions – Introduction to Windows Azure PowerShell

Further details

See on github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools.