This is English article, see here for Japanese.
There's the new version of New Version of the Azure SDK (0.6.10) has been released on 11/Feb/2013.
It's provides Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Azure with building, deployeing and managing Windows Azure services.
What's new
Chack ChangeLog.txt on
github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools.
Here's Summary.
- Now PowerShell 3.0 are supported
- VM and Cloud Services cmdlets source code are released
- A few new cmdlets for Cloud Services are added.
Set-AzureServiceProjectRole -VMSize
- Add-AzureVhd cmdlet are added
- Remove-Azure* cmdlets now supported -Confirm and -WhatIf parameters
- Node.js and generic roles, now able to configure startup task
- running roles with memcache now supported Emulator
- Rorle name parameter not required for Role based cmdlets if running on current role folder
- Scenario test framework now supported
- Bug fixes.
Before begin
Make sure neccesary files and Installation are already done.
- Did you already install Windows Azure SDK? If no, then insntall it.
PowerShell 2.0 (WMI2.0 / default of Windows 7 and Windows Server2008 R2) - 0.6.9 or less
PowerShell 3.0 (WMI3.0 / default of Windows 8 and Windows Server2012) - 0.6.10 or more
- WiX (IF you want to build the setup project. if won't don't need.)
Only developer will required if use Node.js.
- Node.js
- IISNode
Only developer will required if use PHP
You can get the latest version from below.
Web Platform Installer - Windows Azure Downloads
You may find donwloads file link from bottom of the pages "Command line tools"
If you wnat to direct access to .msi file, use this link.
github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools
You can see features from github on
github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools
Here's summary.
- Account
- Subscription
- Website
- Cloud service
- Storage
- SQL Azure
- Service Bus
- VM
- Deployment
- VNet
- Utility
You can check commands and usage by below command on PowerShell.
help azure #to get all the cmdlets.
help node-dev #to get all Node.js development related cmdlets.
help php-dev #to get all PHP development related cmdlets.
get-help <cmdlet name> #to get the details of a specific cmdlet.
You can see the sample I posted article before.
Great Introductions – Introduction to Windows Azure PowerShell
Further details
See on
github - WindowsAzure / azure-sdk-tools.