PowerShell で気軽にさくっと書けますよアピールということで。
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\hoge
Directory: D:\hoge Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 2013/09/18 4:50 6087020 01-test 01.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:50 18947756 02-test 02.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:51 14925836 03-test 03.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:51 20730572 04-test 04.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:51 15803132 05-test 05.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:52 23336588 06-test 06.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:52 18079868 07-test 07.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:52 17882300 08-test 08.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:53 21953612 09-test 09.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:53 24620780 10-test 10.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:53 18493820 11-test 11.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 21231548 12-test 12.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 25775612 13-test 13.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 16760396 14-test 14.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 23233100 15-test 15.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 17924636 16-test 16.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 20438924 17-test 17.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 20890508 18-test 18.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 21925388 19-test 19.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:56 20972828 20-test 20.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:56 22779164 21-test 21.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:56 27219740 22-test 22.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 22856780 23-test 23.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 22247612 24-test 24.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 23854028 25-test 25.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 18881900 26-test 26.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 16640444 27-test 27.txt
一覧を適当にファイルに持っていたとしましょう。 ファイルには空白行があり、そこは省きたいモノとします。
Get-Content D:\newnames.txt
01-swordland to be continued 02-friendly feelings 03-sorrowfully 04-critical phase 05-victory 06-a new world of fairies 07-fly higher and faster 08-in time of peace 09-fly, if you can 10-fight with a devil 11-she is still sleeping 12-past sadness 13-is this love 14-town in the morning 15-climbing up the world tree 16-I wonder 17-Yui 18-is this love piano only ver. 19-Oberon 20-in the cage 21-got to win 22-aerial fight 23-false king 24-last flight 25-reconciliation 26-dance with me 27-aincrad
- 元のファイル名の番号と、newnames.txt の番号で一致させてファイル名を変更します
- 拡張子は残します
- ファイル名からスペースは外しましょう
PowerShell で さっくり書けて楽です。
$names = Select-String -Path D:\newnames.txt -Pattern "\W" | select -ExpandProperty Line $targetpath = 'D:\hoge' Get-ChildItem -Path $targetpath ` | %{ # get original extention $extention = $_.Extension # get matching names [string]$matchingname = $names -like "*$($_.Name.Substring(0,2))*" # configure new name $newname = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($matchingname.Replace(" ",""),$extention) # rename items if ($matchingname) { Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newname } }
-Whatif で Rename-Item を実行してみると
What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\01-test 01.txt Destination: D:\hoge\01-swordlandtobecontinued.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\02-test 02.txt Destination: D:\hoge\02-friendlyfeelings.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\03-test 03.txt Destination: D:\hoge\03-sorrowfully.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\04-test 04.txt Destination: D:\hoge\04-criticalphase.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\05-test 05.txt Destination: D:\hoge\05-victory.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\06-test 06.txt Destination: D:\hoge\06-anewworldoffairies.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\07-test 07.txt Destination: D:\hoge\07-flyhigherandfaster.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\08-test 08.txt Destination: D:\hoge\08-intimeofpeace.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\09-test 09.txt Destination: D:\hoge\09-fly,ifyoucan.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\10-test 10.txt Destination: D:\hoge\10-fightwithadevil.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\11-test 11.txt Destination: D:\hoge\11-sheisstillsleeping.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\12-test 12.txt Destination: D:\hoge\12-pastsadness.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\13-test 13.txt Destination: D:\hoge\13-isthislove.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\14-test 14.txt Destination: D:\hoge\14-towninthemorning.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\15-test 15.txt Destination: D:\hoge\15-climbinguptheworldtree.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\16-test 16.txt Destination: D:\hoge\16-Iwonder.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\17-test 17.txt Destination: D:\hoge\17-Yui.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\18-test 18.txt Destination: D:\hoge\18-isthislovepianoonlyver.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\19-test 19.txt Destination: D:\hoge\19-Oberon.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\20-test 20.txt Destination: D:\hoge\20-inthecage.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\21-test 21.txt Destination: D:\hoge\21-gottowin.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\22-test 22.txt Destination: D:\hoge\22-aerialfight.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\23-test 23.txt Destination: D:\hoge\23-falseking.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\24-test 24.txt Destination: D:\hoge\24-lastflight.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\25-test 25.txt Destination: D:\hoge\25-reconciliation.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\26-test 26.txt Destination: D:\hoge\26-dancewithme.txt". What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "Item: D:\hoge\27-test 27.txt Destination: D:\hoge\27-aincrad.txt".
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\hoge
Directory: D:\hoge Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 2013/09/18 4:50 6087020 01-swordlandtobecontinued.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:50 18947756 02-friendlyfeelings.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:51 14925836 03-sorrowfully.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:51 20730572 04-criticalphase.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:51 15803132 05-victory.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:52 23336588 06-anewworldoffairies.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:52 18079868 07-flyhigherandfaster.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:52 17882300 08-intimeofpeace.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:53 21953612 09-fly,ifyoucan.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:53 24620780 10-fightwithadevil.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:53 18493820 11-sheisstillsleeping.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 21231548 12-pastsadness.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 25775612 13-isthislove.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 16760396 14-towninthemorning.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:54 23233100 15-climbinguptheworldtree.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 17924636 16-Iwonder.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 20438924 17-Yui.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 20890508 18-isthislovepianoonlyver.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:55 21925388 19-Oberon.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:56 20972828 20-inthecage.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:56 22779164 21-gottowin.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:56 27219740 22-aerialfight.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 22856780 23-falseking.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 22247612 24-lastflight.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 23854028 25-reconciliation.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 18881900 26-dancewithme.txt -a--- 2013/09/18 4:57 16640444 27-aincrad.txt
$names = Select-String -Path D:\newnames.txt -Pattern "\W" | select -ExpandProperty Line
ファイルを読むだけなら、 Get-Content
Cmdlet (要は cat) もありますが、今回は空白行を省くようにする必要があります。
このようなときは、正規表現で検査しつつ読み取れる Select-String
Cmdlet が便利です。
の先で select -ExpandProperty Line
$names = (Select-String -Path D:\newnames.txt -Pattern "\W").Line
ご存知の ls
や dir
に相当する Get-ChildItem
Cmdletを利用して、対象パス D:\hoge
$targetpath = 'D:\hoge' Get-ChildItem -Path $targetpath
ここで Where-Object"
たとえば、拡張子が .txtのファイルだけを対象にするならこうです。
$targetpath = 'D:\hoge' Get-ChildItem -Path $targetpath | where Extension -eq ".txt"
| %{ # get original extention $extention = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.FullName) # get matching names [string]$matchingname = $names -like "*$($_.Name.Substring(0,2))*" # configure new name $newname = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($matchingname.Replace(" ",""),$extention) # rename items if ($matchingname) { Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newname } }
ここでは、 Get-ChildItem
で受けて、 Foreach-Object (Alias は %)
と書くのは面倒です (
# 略さないとこう Foreach-Object { } # Aliasで略す foreach { } # もう一つのAliasで %{ }
なお、 Foreach-Object
内部では、パイプラインを通して渡されたファイルオブジェクトが自動変数 $_
# Get-ChildItemで取得したオブジェクトが $_ に格納されている。 Get-ChildItem -Path -D:\hoge | %{ $_ }
さらに PowerShell V4.0 からは、 -PipelineObject
続いて、現在の Extensionを取得します。 自動変数から Extension プロパティを取得します。
$extention = $_.Extension
.NET でもいいです。
# get original extention $extention = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.FullName)
や Get-ItemProperty
# get original extention $extention = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.FullName).Extension
次に、対象のファイル名と、テキストから取得したファイル名でマッチングします。 今回は、頭2文字の数字で。
# get matching names [string]$matchingname = $names -like "*$($_.Name.Substring(0,2))*"
新しい名前を定めます。 取得したもともとの拡張子を忘れないように。
# configure new name $newname = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($matchingname.Replace(" ",""),$extention)
# rename items if ($matchingname) { Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newname }
以上です。 Aliasを使って、パラメータ省略もして、パイプラインで繋げば どんどん短くなりますが、そこは周りが読めるかどうか、書きやすさ などを考慮しましょう。
ファイル名変更ソフトもいいのでしょうが、PowerShell も自由に操れるのでお勧めです。 身近なところから、PowerShell を試してみませんか?
敬愛する 帝国兵さま と はぐれメタルさま からしっかりやれって言われたので修正します。
ファイル名のバリデーション と ちょこちょこっと直しました。
# Get invalid charactors for filename $invalidfilename = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() # Get names from namelist $namelist = "D:\newnames.txt" $names = Select-String -Path $namelist -Pattern "\W" | select -ExpandProperty Line # get filenames from targetpath $targetpath = 'D:\hoge' Get-ChildItem -Path $targetpath ` | %{ # get original extention $extention = $_.Extension # get matching names [string]$matchingname = $names -like "*$($_.Name.Substring(0,2))*" if ($matchingname) { # get index of validation (valid = -1) $validationIndex = $matchingname.IndexOfAny($invalidfilename) # execute rename if ($validationIndex -eq "-1") { # configure new name $newname = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($matchingname.Replace(" ",""),$extention) # rename item Write-Warning -Message ("running rename with {0} to {1}" -f $_.FullName, $newname) Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newname } else { Write-Error -Message ("{0} contains invalid charactor. index : {1}" -f $matchingname, $validationIndex) } } }
元の newnames.txt に ファイル名に使えない文字が含まれている場合、エラーを明示します。 newnames.txt がこうだとします。
01-swordland to be continuedfghfghfh>>> 02-friendly feelings 03-sorrowfully 04-critical phase 05-victory 06-a new world of fairies 07-fly higher and faster 08-in time of peace 09-fly, if you can 10-fight with a devil 11-she is still sleeping 12-past sadness 13-is this love 14-town in the morning 15-climbing up the world tree 16-I wonder 17-Yui 18-is this love piano only ver. 19-Oberon 20-in the cage 21-got to win 22-aerial fight 23-false king 24-last flight 25-reconciliation 26-dance with me 27-aincrad
結果、01-swordland to be continuedfghfghfh>>>
D:\GitHub\PowerShellUtil\Rename-FileNames\Rename-FileNames.ps1 : 01-swordland to be continuedfghfghfh>>> contains invalid charactor. index : 36 + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Rename-FileNames.ps1 WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\02-friendlyfeelings.txt to 02-friendlyfeelings.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\03-sorrowfully.txt to 03-sorrowfully.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\04-criticalphase.txt to 04-criticalphase.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\05-victory.txt to 05-victory.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\06-anewworldoffairies.txt to 06-anewworldoffairies.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\07-flyhigherandfaster.txt to 07-flyhigherandfaster.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\08-intimeofpeace.txt to 08-intimeofpeace.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\09-fly,ifyoucan.txt to 09-fly,ifyoucan.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\10-fightwithadevil.txt to 10-fightwithadevil.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\11-sheisstillsleeping.txt to 11-sheisstillsleeping.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\12-pastsadness.txt to 12-pastsadness.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\13-isthislove.txt to 13-isthislove.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\14-towninthemorning.txt to 14-towninthemorning.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\15-climbinguptheworldtree.txt to 15-climbinguptheworldtree.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\16-Iwonder.txt to 16-Iwonder.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\17-Yui.txt to 17-Yui.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\18-isthislovepianoonlyver.txt to 18-isthislovepianoonlyver.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\19-Oberon.txt to 19-Oberon.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\20-inthecage.txt to 20-inthecage.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\21-gottowin.txt to 21-gottowin.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\22-aerialfight.txt to 22-aerialfight.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\23-falseking.txt to 23-falseking.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\24-lastflight.txt to 24-lastflight.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\25-reconciliation.txt to 25-reconciliation.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\26-dancewithme.txt to 26-dancewithme.txt WARNING: running rename with D:\hoge\27-aincrad.txt to 27-aincrad.txt