
Technical updates


「シェルスクリプト大喜利 第八回 ~"for,while禁止"に喜びを感じる人の何と多い事か!」をPowerShellでやってみた

毎度おなじみのシェル芸です。 前回の挑戦はこちら 第2回チキチキ!シェル芸人養成勉強会をPowerShellでやってみた Hbstudy#38シェルスクリプトでいろいろやってみよう!をPowerShellでやってみた たまたまUPS友の会様を覗いていたらあるじゃないですかー。 …

Great Introductions - Introduction to Windows Azure PowerShell

Do you remenber Devops? I introduce some in previous article.. NICconf Opening and Keynote: Modernizing Windows Server/Modernizing Ourselves – by Jeffrey Snover Now the Devops seems to be sat as goal for Cloud OS of Microsoft, it means not…

NICconf Opening and Keynote: Modernizing Windows Server/Modernizing Ourselves - by Jeffrey Snover

Are you already check it? This is the greate message from Jeffret Snover about "The way Microsoft is focusing." and "How PowerShell Automate with DataCenter.". Here's the Keynotes for anyone who don't kwnow. NICconf Opening and Keynote: Mo…